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About the Journal

The Austrian Journal of Statistics is an open-access journal (without any fees) including a long history. It is published approximately quarterly by the Austrian Statistical Society. Its general objective is to promote and extend the use of statistical methods in all kind of theoretical and applied disciplines. Special emphasis is on methods and results in official statistics. The Austrian Journal of Statistics is indexed in many data bases, such as Scopus (by Elsevier), Web of Science - ESCI by Clarivate Analytics (formely Thompson & Reuters), DOAJ, Scimago, and many more. 


Original papers and review articles in English will be published in the Austrian Journal of Statistics if judged consistently with these general aims. All papers will be refereed. Special topics sections will appear from time to time. Each section will have as a theme a specialized area of statistical application, theory, or methodology. Technical notes or problems for considerations under Shorter Communications are also invited. A special section is reserved for book reviews.


The current estimated impact factor (via Publish or Perish) is 0.775, see HERE, or even more indices HERE.

We are indexed in Scopus - the Austrian Journal of Statistics is indexed and listed in Scopus, DOAJ, Scimago and many other indices. Austrian Journal of Statistics ISNN number is 1026597X

Current Issue

Vol. 54 No. 2 (2025): Regular Issue
Published: 2025-02-17


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