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Role of ELT and Life Skills in Developing Employability Skills through Integrating Self Determination and Experiential Learning



This article's goal is to develop a theoretical framework for life and work skills. Both of these non-technical abilities can be acquired by satisfying our psychological requirements for autonomy, competence, and relatedness in a classroom setting that fosters active learning. The framework achieves its goal of psychological confidence and self-development when these fundamental psychological needs are met in a motivating environment of experiential learning where people apply their knowledge and confront the situation with conceptual understanding of real world problems and conflict. The creation of this framework is to point out how to improve one's own competence, self-assurance, intrinsic motivation, and other beneficial outcomes seen in a variety of spheres of life, including childhood, sports, and career. Consider initially how young children might acquire life skills that will promote later development of an employability skill and provide additional advantages for both the individual and the workplace.

How to Cite

Gupta, D. B., Bhatt, V., Mathur, S., Badge, J., & Sharma, A. Role of ELT and Life Skills in Developing Employability Skills through Integrating Self Determination and Experiential Learning. Austrian Journal of Statistics. Retrieved from


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