Visualizing GeoData with R


  • Jan-Philipp Kolb GESIS



The processment of information related to a geographic location has long been difficult due to lacking data sources and processing power. The recent changes in the rise of web-based technologies like OpenStreetMap (OSM) and Google Maps change the picture.

With R it is possible to execute a large amount of data and to produce appropriate visualisations. The challenge is to find the necessary spatial information. In this paper an overview is given to reflect the possibilities spatial visualisations in the context of social sciences. Moreover, it provides an introduction to spatial visualisation.

Sources for spatial data and methods of data collection are described and examples of visualisations are presented.



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How to Cite

Kolb, J.-P. (2016). Visualizing GeoData with R. Austrian Journal of Statistics, 45(1), 45–54.



Special Issue on R