You Don't Teach, Students Learn: Lessons Learned in Statistical Literacy and Statistical Education in Ireland


  • Eoin MacCuirc Central Statistics Office, Ireland



In 2007, with the aim of improving statistical literacy and effective use of statistics, the Central Statistics Office in Ireland launched an Education Outreach Programme.  To achieve these objectives, the CSO has fostered key academic partnerships at a national and international level.  Seminar Series, Statistical Liaison groups, Oireachtas briefings, CensusAtSchool, the John Hooper Medal for Statistics, the Apps4Gaps competition, the Professional Diploma in Official Statistics for Policy Evaluation, the International Statistical Literacy Poster Competition are some of the key projects developed under the umbrella of the Education Outreach Programme.  This paper outlines a number of key lessons learned in the Irish Education Outreach Programme with illustrations drawn from the Irish experience to date.

Author Biography

Eoin MacCuirc, Central Statistics Office, Ireland

Databanka and Dissemination

Assistant Principal


‘The Tiger That Isn’t’ (2008) Michael Blastland and Andrew Dilnot, Profile Books

CSO (2004), “Statement of Strategy 2004 – 2006 – Statistics for a Modern Ireland”, Dublin.

Smith, M. (2002), ‘Data Literacy’, presented at ACCOLEDS conference, Vancouver, Canada.

‘The State of Food Insecurity in the World’ (2013) FAO

‘Global Food Losses and Food Waste’ (2011) Robert van Otterdijk and Alexandre Meybeck

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, 2011


‘One Billion Hungry: Can We Feed the World?’ (2012) Gordon Conway

‘Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience’, (2014). United Nations Development Report

Phase 11 CensusAtSchool Questionnaire

‘The Benefits of Breakfast Consumption to Combat Obesity and Diabetes in Young People’ (2013), Heather J. Leidy, PhD ,American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

‘More ways to heaven than one: Improving statistical literacy in Ireland’ (2014) Steve MacFeely and Eoin MacCuirc, Q2014, Vienna




How to Cite

MacCuirc, E. (2015). You Don’t Teach, Students Learn: Lessons Learned in Statistical Literacy and Statistical Education in Ireland. Austrian Journal of Statistics, 44(2), 73–83.


