The Development of an Integrated and Systematized Information System for Economic and Policy Impact Analysis


  • Filippo Oropallo ISTAT (Italian Statistical Institute), Rom
  • Francesca Inglese ISTAT (Italian Statistical Institute), Rom



The paper addresses the integration problems that have been faced in reconciling administrative and survey sources and combining them into one multi-source database. It shows the architecture of the integration process that has been adopted and the exploitation of the integrated database for economic and policy impact analysis at a micro level. The integration of administrative and survey data is performed by exact matching when the same unit is identified otherwise it is performed by statistical matching
techniques. To apply these techniques, matching variables are required: one quite apparent option is to use firm characteristics as provided by the business register. The development of the Enterprise Integrated and Systematized Information System (EISIS) opens new possibility in microsimulation analysis to study the tax burden and the economic performance of enterprises through the construction of micro-founded indicators. IT (Information Technology) features of the whole process are also described that are the formalization of the integration process and the structure of the user friendly interface of the integration software. Confidentiality is satisfied by remote processing on a protected server that is only accessible to granted users of the National Statistical Institute.


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How to Cite

Oropallo, F., & Inglese, F. (2016). The Development of an Integrated and Systematized Information System for Economic and Policy Impact Analysis. Austrian Journal of Statistics, 33(1&2), 211–235.


